Wesley Campus Ministry invites you to Explore, Engage, and Embody an active faith in God.

“The moment we choose to love, we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom.”—bell hooks.


SUNDAY EVENING LARGE GROUP: Join us every Sunday evening for dinner and discussion at 5pm at the Wesley House, often with a special guest speaker at 6pm!

SMALL GROUP: Our main small group. Fridays at 6:30 in the Wesley House living room. This semester we watched and discussed Inside Out 1 and 2! Next semester, we’ll have a completely different theme!

WILLIAMSBURG UMC YOUNG ADULT GROUP: On Sundays during Sunday school hours (9:30am-10:30am) at Williamsburg UMC in the Wesley House fellowship hall. Led by Ryan and WUMC’s Rev. Meghan Roth Clayton.

FAITH and FELLOWSHIP: These include game nights, films, interfaith and cross-campus events, and coffee hours. Check the weekly “Wesley Wire” email for the schedule, and our Instagram for immediately upcoming events!

Zines with Meridian on Election Day!

WORSHIP: Thursday nights at 7, join us for a 30-45 minute service! We gather in the fellowship hall to sing, take communion (the table is open to everyone), and hear a short message from Ryan! Ryan, Joslyn, and Emmie have been kind enough to be our worship band this year! We hope this short mid-week service can provide some spiritual formation for students!

RYAN’S ROAMING OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Catch Ryan somewhere on campus to chat, get coffee, eat lunch, or study! Check the Wesley Wire and Instagram for where he’ll be this week!

COMMUNITY OUTREACH and SERVICE consists of partnerships with other groups on campus and the wider Williamsburg community to live out our faith in transformative ways that still move us and our community toward truly living out God’s Beloved Community for all.

Popsicles for Peace with Muslim Student Association and Jewish Voice for Peace!

DOG TOY CRAFT BINS: We have an on-going bin to make dog toys for Heritage Humane Society. Stop by the house any time, any day from 9 to 9 to do some crafts for a good cause!

FALL BREAK TRIP: Each year, we use our Fall Break to take a trip outside of Williamsburg to provide service for and learn about amazing nonprofits and activist efforts throughout Virginia and the USA. Stay tuned for what we get up to next year!

Our Fall Break 2024 Service in NOVA!

SPRING BREAK STAYCATION: The last couple years, we have hosted a staycation at the Wesley House for students who weren’t able go home during that time. Since the dining halls shut down over break, we host three free meals every day, last year feeding 220 meals to 60 students. Besides food, we plan a full itinerary with opportunities to engage in fun and community, as well as service opportunities. We had a lot of fun and were able to help our community in the process! We’re bringing it back this year, so stay tuned for that!